Laba-Qarax Guur Title:GOBAAD
Written by:Gobaad Communications & Press

Gobaad dhaqansidaha waa sannadle soo bandhiga qormooyinka ku saabsan arrimaha cilmi-baarista ee dhaqanka, afka, suugaanta, taariikhda, dhaqaallaha,ganacsiga, caafimaadka &horumarinta bulshada.

Amount: $10.95 (paperback) ( Sanadkii)
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  Laba-Qarax Guur Title:WIIL WAAL (A Somali Folktale)
Written by:Gobaad Communications & Press

Gobaad dhaqansidaha waa sannadle soo bandhiga qormooyinka ku saabsan arrimaha cilmi-baarista ee dhaqanka, afka, suugaanta, taariikhda, dhaqaallaha,ganacsiga, caafimaadka &horumarinta bulshada.

Amount: $12.95 (paperback)
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Written by:Awil Ali Hashi with Abdirahman A Hashi

  • 35000 of the most frequently used words and phrases
  • Clear and concise Somali definitions
  • Phonetic systems based on Somali alphabet
  • Numerous examples of English usage
  • Phrasal verbs included as separate entries
  • Illustrations included with some entries for greater clarity

    Amount: $18.95 (paperback)
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  •   Somali Writers Series Title: LION'S SHARE
    Retold by: Said Salah Ahmed / Illustrated by Kelly Dupre

    Lion's Share/Qayb Libaax (A Somali Bilingual book) The hungry animals of the Somali forest have worked together to kill a big fat camel. Now they must decide how to divide it. Will the portions be equal? Not with the lion in charge! Read this popular Somali fable and see why, as the other animals come to understand, "the lion's share is not fair!"

    Amount: $12.95 (paperback)
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    Laba-Qarax Guur Title: LABA-QARAX GUUR
    Written by: Adam S. Abdi

    Laba-Qarax Guur "shattered marriage" is a Somali novel, which the author carefully portrayed a shattered marriage, caused by the disintegration of the Somali family structure after the civil war. In his writing, Mr. Adam Abdi makes you feel, care, and deeply understand the life of a married Somali couple who the difficulties and hardships in a refugee camp, and in a war torn country took them apart. It is a vivid and rich story that is blended and flavored with authentic Somali culture that makes you read twice and even more...

    Amount: $15.95 (paperback)
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      Laba-Qarax Guur Title:QARAN IYO QABIIL HARI WAAYEY
    Written by:Xaashi M. Guuleed

    Buuggu wuxuu ka hadlayaa halgankii dheeraa ee ay ummadda Soomaaliyeed u soo martay helitaanka madax banaanideeda. Sidoo kale waxaa buuggu wax ka xusi doonaa dawladihii talada dalka gacanta ku dhigay iyo jabhadaha hubaysan ee sababay in ummadda Soomaaliyeed heerkan soo gaarto.

    Amount: $15.95 (paperback)
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    Laba-Qarax Guur Title:DHEGDHEER (A Somali Bilingual book)
    Written by:Marian Hassan / Illustrated by Betsy Bowen

    A Scary Somali Folktale In this hair-raising cautionary tale from Somalia, the Hargega Valley is plagued by the monstrous DHEGDHEER, who gobbles up anyone unlucky enough to cross her path. A widow and her young son try to escape her. Will they be DHEGDHEER?S next meal or will their virtue save them and help bring an end to DHEGDHEER?S reign of terror? )

    Amount: $12.95 (paperback)
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    Written by:Mr. Anwar Maxamed Diiriye

    This Somali-English dictionary of Somali onomastics and proverbs is the result of a monumental effort on the part of the young Somali scholar, Mr. Anwar Maxamed Diiriye. It attempts to produce a reliable reference work that can serve not only the needs of any outsiders curious about Somali language and culture but also the crying needs of a new Somali generation in the diaspora who are either cut off or alienated from such culture.

    Amount: $24.98 (paperback)
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    Laba-Qarax Guur Title:AYAAN DARAN
    Written by:Dr. Cabdullaahi Sh. Xuseen (Hantiwadaag)

    Qoraha Buuggan Dr. Cabdullahi Shiikh Xuseen"H/Wadaag" wuxuu soo bandhigay dhacdadaan oo ah qiso dhab ah, wuxuuna ugu magac daray "AYAAN DARAN" oo ah sheeko aad u xiiso badan oo weli nooceeda oo kale aan la soo tebin waxaana laga soo dhiraandhiriyey dhibaatada bulshadeed ee taaganta ah.

    Amount: $15.95 (paperback)
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      Somali Writers Series Title:UUR KU TAALO JACEYL
    Written by:Abdihakim Aden (Baarri)

    Lion's Share/Qayb Libaax (A Somali Bilingual book) "Abbaayo, wuxuu ahaa dhalintii uu Baadarigii Talyaanigu u qeybin jiray Mootooyinka ee ka baxay Diintii Islaamka. Waxaan ku arki jirey dugsiga luqadaha ee XALIIMO & Kaltuurada Talyaaniga. Xaqiiqdii waan naxsanaa meeshaad isku barateen kolkii aan isku kiin arkay saakey, run ahaantiina abbaayo waan kaala hanweynaa kaa oo kale, xattaa cindigeyga mar qur ah kuma soo dhicin walaashaa baa baran ama la hadlikaa oo kale? baa Cibaaro si lama filaan ah u tiri.

    Amount: $15.95 (paperback)
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    Written by:Awil A Hashi with Abdirahman A. Hashi

    " Completely revised and expanded edition containing 50,000 new words and phrases. " Innovative and highly simplified phonetic system makes words easy to pronounce. " Abundant illustrations make learning new words easier to understand. " Common word combinations show how words and phrases are used in together. " Generous examples sentences show how words and phrases are used in context " Clear and concise definitions make the edition more user-friendly.

    Amount: $24.95 (hardcover)
    Written by:Awil A Hashi with Abdirahman A. Hashi

    " Completely revised and expanded edition containing 50,000 new words and phrases. " Innovative and highly simplified phonetic system makes words easy to pronounce. " Abundant illustrations make learning new words easier to understand. " Common word combinations show how words and phrases are used in together. " Generous examples sentences show how words and phrases are used in context " Clear and concise definitions make the edition more user-friendly.

    Amount: $19.95 (Pocket size edition-Paper back)

    Written by:Awil A Hashi with Abdirahman A. Hashi

    " Completely revised and expanded edition containing 50,000 new words and phrases. " Innovative and highly simplified phonetic system makes words easy to pronounce. " Abundant illustrations make learning new words easier to understand. " Common word combinations show how words and phrases are used in together. " Generous examples sentences show how words and phrases are used in context " Clear and concise definitions make the edition more user-friendly.

    Amount: $20.95 (paper cover)